Retirement Planning

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How Long Does a Bankruptcy Stay on Your Credit Report?

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you’re likely wondering how it will affect your credit score. The good news is that bankruptcy does not stay on your credit report forever. However, the bad news is that it will remain on your report for years, making it difficult to get approved for new lines of credit. 

How Long Does a Bankruptcy Stay on Your Credit Report? Read More »

woman pushing old woman in wheelchair outdoors

Convalescent Home vs. Nursing Home: Which is Right for a Loved One?

Old age creates big changes. One of the significant adjustments focuses on health and wellbeing. Although not all older adults succumb to illnesses and injuries, greater attention is necessary to ensure safety. And greater attention will mean constant care. When planning for long-term care for your parents, will they need a convalescent home or a

Convalescent Home vs. Nursing Home: Which is Right for a Loved One? Read More »

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